Where your treasure is…your heart is also.

I’m noticing a lot of posts lately saying things like “All my friends are having babies, getting married or in relationships while I’m just adding more zeros to my bank account”. As if people who are building families and working on committed relationships yearn to be broke or something. As if married people aren’t concerned about earning an amazing living or that babies automatically equal “Broke”. Adding zeros to your bank account does not ensure security, love and longevity. Where your treasure is…your heart is also. (Matthew 6:21)

Hi…My name is “Beauty”.

Hi…My name is “Beauty”. People try to paint me on with make up or starve themselves so they can claim me. Men at times confuse me with lust and women easily confuse me with arrogance. Revealing dresses don’t make me and fake hair is just an extension of why I can’t be bought. There’s only one way to obtain me and that is from THE INSIDE OUT . “Beauty” (prov 31:30) #iamseries

Hi…My name is “Different”.

Hi…My name is “Different”. I’m what separates you from the rest. I’m not a fan of “Normality” and I find routine to be boring. I’m gossiped about, ridiculed, laughed at, but at the same time envied. I should never be forced. I’m best when organically sought after. Courage and Uniqueness follow me everywhere I go along with Jealousy. I set trends, take risks and am not afraid of change. Please learn to embrace me more or continue to complain about how normal and boring your life really is. “Different” #iamseries By Aaron White

Hi…My name is “Drunk”.

Hi…My name is “Drunk”. I’m what most people are scared to admit, but am obvious to those who see me. I often get confused with being “Tipsy”, but we all know that’s a lie.I come with things like throwing up, falling down, going to the bathroom in public, sloppy kisses & hugs, car accidents, bad smells and saying things you regret. However, thanks to the media I’m looked upon as sexy, full of life and opportunity, daring, rebellious and attractive. So continue to get Drunk, but just know you may wake up facing more damage then just a hangover. “Drunk”(Titus 2:6-8) #iamseries by Aaron White

Hi…My name is “Risk”.

Hi…My name is “Risk”. I’m what majority people don’t do enough of. “Fear” and “Complacency” are always trying to block us from ever meeting. I’m the cure to that job you hate, the relationship that’s not going anywhere and to the disappointments you face repeatedly. I come with change, success, failure, happiness and more, but you’ll never know unless you choose me. I can be found through “Faith” and “Action”. So if you are tired of being in the same situations over and over again then don’t let Fear defeat you and attempt to give me a try. (James 2:26) #iamseries by Aaron White

Hi…My name is “Bad Company”.

Hi…My name is “Bad Company”. I love to irritate people who have positive vibes and cloud them with all my negative energy. I’m argumentative at all times and easily offended. I make moments that are to celebrate others about me. I cling onto people like a leach with all intentions to suck them dry with my presence. I dodge loyalty, trust and embrace separation and dishonor. So be careful of who you surround yourself with because you are better off alone than in the midst of “Bad Company”.(1peter3:8) #iamseries
By Aaron White

Hi…My name is “Judgement”.

Hi…My name is “Judgement”. I’m known for looking people up and down and exposing their flaws to others. I’m quick to down someone’s lifestyle simply because I disagree with it. I can see others for who I think they are, but will never look at myself and admitted who I am. Stereotypes” and I are never far apart so they now call us “Racial Profiling”. To bring people down sets me on high and pointing the finger at others feels better than pointing at myself. I’ve been in business for a long time now and just want to say thank you to all my employees who work 24/7 judging people as if they are better. But remember this “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:2) Judgement. #iamseries by Aaron White.

Hi…My name is “Black Friday”.

Hi…My name is “Black Friday”. I was created to cause you stress right after feeling content and thankful for what you already have. I cause family members to leave Thanksgiving celebrations early in order to obtain material objects. “Debt” and “Obsession”are caused by me and the best thing about it is I get paid for it. Credit cards are my best friends and thank you for always allowing me to interrupt your holidays. See you all today! “Black Friday”. #iamseries by Aaron White

Hi…My name is “Thankful”.

Hi…My name is “Thankful”. You should feel me everyday you wake up healthy with a sound mind. You should feel me every time you go to sleep with a roof over your head and food is on the table. You should feel me when rescued from an accident or troublesome situation and you escape with your life. I’m what majority people lack due to selfishness and envy. So please take this day to become familiar with me again and I bet you when you look around you will find plenty of opportunities to use me. “Thankful”.
(Psalms 107:21-22)
#iamseries by Aaron White

Hi…My name is 2nd Chance.

Hi…My name is 2nd Chance. I’m what you hope for when you mess up the first time. Be thankful if your blessed to receive me and wise enough not to waist me. I’m what the one who was caught cheating longs for and the hope of first time offenders. My advice to you is hold on to your first love as best you can because you never know if you’ll be granted “A Second Chance”. (Job 7:7) #iamseries by Aaron White